Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Tuesday 6th November 2012
The Winter League 2012 / 13 started this past Sat with 40 players registering for the Sat League but only 2 for the Sunday League, there is still time to enter both leagues and hopefuly we will get the same ammount of golf during this winter like last years one. Results will be sent to the P&J and Evening Express on a regular basis and also posted on the Club Notice Borad, i am stil having issues how to do hdcps as the new software and the way the new CDH system is set UP may mean that there will be increases as well as reductions, WATCH THIS SPACE.
Also a lot of players are due winnings which have not been picked up from the sweeps so i am working on the lists at the moment and will endevour to pick off players as they play or pass by the club over the winter period.