Craibstone Golf

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Membership Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations of Craibstone Golf Club and Marshall Leisure


  1. Monthly fees last for a calendar month only, your receipt must be taken and presented to the shop staff before you tee off (physically or digitally)
  2. No golf shoes to be worn in area of the Brimmond Bistro.
  3. Please adhere to the Golf Rules and Golfing Etiquette at all times and especially the rules on repairing pitch marks, replacing divots, raking bunkers AND SLOW PLAY. (Refer to any general good golf rule book.)
  4. Alcohol cannot be consumed during a round of golf unless previously arranged with the Golf Management.
  5. A Dress Code is in operation (see separate list below) and any player not adhering may be requested to leave.
  6. All players should have a valid WHS golf handicap, if not they may be requested to take an ability test. Club Competition Rules are displayed on the club notice board.
  7. Any complaints or queries must be directed to the Golf Adminstrator in the proper manner either verbally or in writing to Any further grievance arising should be placed in writing to the owners.
  8. The management reserve the right to restrict the total playing numbers and type of player. An applicant would be informed of any such restrictions which may affect an application and may be placed on a waiting list.
  9. The management reserves the right to refuse any application for persons to play at Craibstone Golf Course or use any of the facilities and is not obliged in either case to provide a reason.
  10. The management have the right to implement, apply add or change any of the above rules at their discretion without prior notice.

We hope you enjoy your golf 


Dress Code

  1. St.Patricks Day Dress at Craibstone Golf ClubAll players should be properly attired at all times while playing golf, here are some of the guide lines we expect players to follow.
  2. Only golf shoes can be worn whilst playing golf.
  3. Smart casual shirts/tops must be worn at all times.
  4. Singlet /sleeveless vests & football type shirts or shorts are not permitted.
  5. Smart casual trousers, shorts, skirts  must be worn at all times.
  6. Jeans, military style, combat or camouflage style trousers/shorts, and or trousers track suit types are not permitted.
  7. Soft spiked golf shoes are not permitted to be worn in the clubhouse.
  8. Bare or stocking feet are not permitted.
  9. Also note mobile phones are not permitted to be used during the playing of a round of golf, unless in a medical emergency.
  10. Smoking is not permitted inside any area of the clubhouse.
  11. Children under the age of 14 must always be accompanied by an adult.



The Golf Course and surrounding area is for the primary use of golfers, although there are designated walking areas on the boundaries of the golf course and golfers should be aware of the potential presence of these walkers. Signage will be displayed advising the walkers of the dangers of leaving the designated walking routes.


Score Recording and Handicap System

We encourage you to use the howdidido App to Sign in and Return Scores, but the Office is available as back up, if you forget your mobile device.

You can check your handicap status on the website. New members will have to hand in three cards to obtain an official handicap, any queries please talk to the golf administrator in the office.