Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Thursday 14th February 2013
Watch out for the up and coming events at Craibstone Golf Club and Brimmond Bistro.
# 13th till 17th Feb Valenetines menu in Brimmond Bistro starting from £10.95 available all day .
# 22nd Feb Quiz Night 6.30 for 7pm tickets £7.50, includes prizes and Stovies or Pasta Bolognaise at half time.
# 10th March Mothering Sunday , check our Bistro menu.
# 11th till 16th March "Red Nose Day" special offer if you purchase a "Red Nose" or donate £1.00 get free coffee or tea with every meal ordered also on the course a nearest the pin challenge at the 7th Hole.
# 17th March "St Patricks Day" golf competition, wear something green and win a prize, Guiness on special offer for the weekend also.
For more info or reservations call 01224 - 716 777 or email