Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Wednesday 18th July 2018
We have been advised by the AWPR that Tulloch Road will be closed at 8pm on Friday 20th July evening for essential work over the weekend.
This means that on Saturday coming from Kingswells side, you will not get access onto Tulloch Road, the bridge over the AWPR opposite Forritt Brae, instead you will have to join the A96 and come to the club from that direction, or alternatively use the back road from Westhill. Please give yourself plenty time to take this diversion into account.
On Sunday there will be a 3 way access control onto Tulloch Road allowing access over the bridge and to the golf club, this is to allow everyone coming to the Family Day BBQ normal access to the club and Bistro.
We appreciate that this is short notice so therefore please pass this onto your fellow golfers, diners or anyone intending visiting either the golf course or the Brimmond Bistro this weekend.