Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Thursday 1st November 2018
This Saturday sees the start of the 2018/19 Winter League. All handicaps will be switched over to winter handicaps, so whatever you are today will be returned to that point once we start the new season. It will be £5 to enter the winter league and you can join at any time. The competition shall be gross eclectic minus ¾ handicap.
So slightly different from previous years – the eclectic will run with recording your best gross score at every hole and then less your ¾ handicap. All the comps will be played as stableford and as normal there will be sweeps and 2s every sat and sun. The lowest eclectic score, less ¾ handicap at the end of the winter league will win the weeks stay at the Craigendarroch Lodge Resort around the time of the Braemar games in late August.
There will also be sectional prizes in the form of Craibstone vouchers for those near the top of each section. Hopefully we can have some decent weather over the winter months and get some games played. All comps will be off yellows although at times the yellows may be moved back to protect some tees. It doesn’t matter if you play sat or sun or both all the scores go together, so obviously the more rounds you put in then the more opportunities you are giving yourself.
Have a good winter league and remember if you need any new winter gear then check out our new stock in the Craibstone shop!!!