Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Thursday 22nd June 2017
The season is almost half way through , I hope you are enjoying your golf and scoring well.
If things haven't quite gone to plan and your handicap is going in the wrong direction, there is still time to rectify this by signing up for Lee Vannet's Short Game Masterclass series.
Sign ups for my 6 week Short Game Group Clinics are open , with the first classes starting on Wednesday 28th June and Thursday 29th June, evening sessions between 6 and 7pm and 7.15-8.15pm.
If these dates are not suitable for you, please get in touch as I may have alternative dates available.
In this 6 week short game series, we cover Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers as well as Controlling Wedge Distances and Trouble Shots from rough and side hill/ downhill lies.
Cost per person- £70.00
email - or call my mobile - 07968025781