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Slow Play and Pitch Marks.

Sunday 29th July 2012

Again the above has been raised by  players this weekend, pitch marks are caused by members no other way to look at it as we know the amount of players playing at the moment are 98% members so some of you are ignoring this basic rule of golf about repairing pitch marks, as far a slow play is concerned it does not matter if you think you are holding your place on the course if you are holding players up or lose 1 hole or more you MUST let group behind through , again basic etiquette . 

Pitch marks are not only caused by high shots landing on the green a ball coming at low trajectory and not stopping or going through or landing on  the green also leaves pitch marks, these wet conditions we are having do  not help but as they say "repair your own and one more" will help greatly.

If anyone needs a copy of the rules please ask as we have some small rule books to give away at present F.O.C. and in the coming weeks the situation will be mointored more closely on certain competitions so if you are in breach of the above rules or etiquette you will be approached .

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