Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Friday 9th June 2017
Sign up for my Short Game Masterclass and fast track your way to lower scores in as little as 6 weeks!
Starting on Wed 21st June 6-7pm , 7.15-8.15 and Thursday 22nd June from 6-7pm or 7.15-8.15pm. Each class runs for 6 weeks, missing out the week of the 17th July, last class dates are the 2nd and 3rd August.
Using the fabulous Craibstone Short Game Academy , you will learn the fundamentals of Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunker Play, Distance Wedge Control, Trouble Shots as well as Rules of Golf, and How to Practice Effectively.
Lee shares the knowledge he has acquired over 30 years of playing and teaching professionally from playing with Darren Clarke, Jose Maria Olazabal, Colin Montgomerie, Lee Janzen, Vijay Singh, as well as how to produce shots under pressure.
At the age of 13, Lee was taught from Bernard Gallagher and Tommy Horton how to Score- Lee put this knowledge to the test,by becoming A Scottish Boys Champion at age of 15, and also British Boys Champion. Lee is also the youngest ever winner of a 72- Hole Tartan Tour Event , a record which still stands to this day, as well winning over 40 PGA Pro-Ams and achieving many course records, most notably a 60 at Kilspindie( 9 under par) , and a 61 (11 under par) at Plantations , Tobago, and unofficially a 63( 10 under par) at Downfield Golf Club.
The cost for this course is £70 per person,
email to register or call Lee on 07968025781