Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Sunday 8th December 2019
On Friday night we had the annual Seniors Christmas party and trophy presentation. 52 members and guests enjoyed a fabulous three course meal and the atmosphere was brilliant with everyone having a great time.
The Bistro was looking spectacular all decorated into the festive mood. Our chefs and waitresses done everyone proud and the amount of positive comments on the high level of service and fantastic food was really nice to hear so well done, Tomasz and Gary in the kitchen and to Jackie, Kasia, Kai and Bev serving everyone with their food and drinks throughout the night.
The main prize winners were Brian Race (senior club champion and match play champion), Peter Low (senior stroke play champion), Scott Anderson (senior scratch champion and seniors tour trophy), Colin Gourlay (James Hatter Trophy and Tom Kelly Memorial Trophy), Mike Wilson and Bill Ramsay (Blackburn Cup), Gary Mutch (eclectic shield) and Joe Scoular (seniors challenge cup).
There were also special trophy awards to Jim Will and George Murdoch for their hole in one’s during the year and also to Bill Ramsay who unfortunately was at another engagement. We wish to thank Agnes Marshall for doing the presentation duties.
With members of the current senior committee standing down after a number of years’ service, quaich’s were awarded to Jim Geddie for his hard work in looking after the senior finances for nearly 9 years, to Brian Massie for his service as seniors convenor and for all his hard work in organising everything over the years and to Jim Martin who was an able right hand man and done a power of work behind the scenes setting up fixtures, organising friendly matches and players amongst many others tasks. Theses lads have put a lot of effort into the seniors section over the years and many don’t see the work done as everything is always set up and right. We thank you and you all deserved the recognition and gratitude that you received on the night.
The evening concluded with the raffle draw and thanks to the generosity of so many, the prize table was overflowing but it was a nice way to finish a wonderful night.