Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Thursday 5th July 2012
There is no question and listening to members that have been at Craibstone for many years saying that they can't remember a wetter summer or the course having to close so much for wet conditions. This we are all certainly aware of and understand as it affects revenue in all areas of the golf operation and is not something we are enjoying. There is no question also that the rain that has fallen and the frequency of this has been unpresidented even the best inland courses with the best drainage still struggle to cope under these conditions.
However this does not stop us looking at the areas on the course that will benefit from extra drainage or maintenace work and Robert Hardie and his staff are very aware of the work they may have to do in the winter as it is not just a case of adding to excisting drainage also repairing blocked drians and old pipes. Playability is a big thing with golf courses these days and golf operators try to get the maximum revenue out of the courses that they can, but here in this area the golfing season has been very short so far this year so lets hope better weather is on its way.
There is no quick fix and the management are aware that extra investment will be required and will never stop in this resepct and will be an on-going situtaion for the future at Craibstone. I hope some sunny weather is around the corner for you all and we can all enjoy some golf without us having to wear waterproofs or use umbrellas to play the game we love.