Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Monday 16th March 2015
Players playing this past Sunday complained because of so many UN-REPAIRED PITCH MARKS on greens, this is vey worrying so early in the season it is 99% MEMBERS who play the golf cousre at the moment thats a fact, need i say more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Players have to realaise that this is basic GOLF ETIQUETT , many players think "my ball did not stay on the green then no pitch mark" WRONG any ball landing on the green creates a pitch mark , wish i had a £ for every time i said this , repair yours and one more is good course management, we have all the technical equipment for players to play golf these days but the same old scenarios raise there heads. "REPAIR YOUR AND ONE OTHER PITCH MARK " its your cousre you re the players that will suffer when putting for that elusive good score or birdie.