Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Friday 12th April 2019
Saturday sees the commencement of the Nippon Gases Europe Order of Merit. Across the season we have ten competitions classed as order of merit events.
The top 10 scratch and the top 10 nett scores from tomorrows Masters Flag medal will receive points with 10 points to first place, 9 points for second down to 1 point for 10th place. At the end of the season the Order of Merit Winners will receive the trophy kindly donated and sponsored by Nippon Gases Europe.
The Nippon Gases Europe Order of Merit rewards those players that are consistent across the whole season, allowing them to pick up points in multiple events.
Last years Gross Winner was Andrew Ashley who scored 59 points, with Ian Still second on 56pts and Shaun Rennie in third place with 50pts. In the net order of merit, there was a three way tie in first place with 19points accumulated by Alan Bloice, Ian Still and Rob Goldie, with George Breen just missing out with 18 points.
Please also be aware that the Handicap Cup and Foursomes Competitions have been drawn with the draw sheet on the noticeboard. First round matches in handicap cup to be played by 6th May, and second round in handicap cup and first round in foursomes to be played by 3rd June, Please dont leave it till the last week, get your matches organised promptly.