Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Thursday 30th May 2019
Last Friday we welcomed Nippon Gases Europe to their annual golf day at Craibstone and the weather was great and everyone had a really enjoyable time both competitively and also socially.
The day started with coffee and bacon rolls before the majority went down to the short practice area and received an hours master class session with Scottish Golf Performance Coach and our resident teaching professional, Lee Vannet.
18 holes of texas scramble was enjoyed and a lot of fun was had on the 7th tee where every player had an opportunity to beat the pro on this par 3. Thankfully Lee was on form and not many of the 50 golfers achieved that feat.
Nippon staffed the halfway house and all players enjoyed the refreshments that were on hand, the drinks went down well and a fair few pies were also consumed.
After the golf, a two course BBQ was enjoyed before the trophy presentations.
Just some of the images from the day are captured.
If you want your company outing to be held at Craibstone, then there are still a few dates available between now and September, to find out more info click on this link" or email