Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Wednesday 20th March 2013
We would like to thank all who have recently re joined Craibstone Golf Club so far for the season 2013/14 and a snowy but warm welcome to any new members , this also is a reminder of the following:
# Players who are not joining for this season must give us notice in writting or by email as is customary, if not this means they may not be able to re apply in the future through our "No Hassle" entry rules and maybe subject to our entry fees or conditions in the future, and saves you getting unwanted mail. So Please Let Us Know.
# Current members are reminded that they must sign the "Rules Form" even if they are continuing with the Direct Debit scheme if not this may delay packages being sent out with fixtures ,stickers etc for the coming season, also if you have changed address LET US KNOW.
# Note that fees not paid by the 31st March will result in players privilages being suspended until fees are paid and please be aware that there is not a Pro-Rata facility available on any fees .
Once again many thanks to all who supported us at Craibstone G.C. in the past season and we welcome our new members we hope to see many "Hole In One" celebrations this season with some laughs along the way.
Good golfing always.
Billy Sim Golf Manager.