Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Tuesday 17th December 2019
The weather hasnt been that kind recently with a lot of time and effort going into drainage works on hole 16, that has impacted on some of the works we have planned for the winter season.
But am sure you will have noticed that we have removed the rough in between the trees to the right of the 4th tee as this impacts coming up the 5th. The bank between the road and the 4th tee has been tidied up and it is planned to plant some shrubs in the spring to remove this eyesore as you drive past. We also intend doing further work on the bank behind the ditch to the 4th green, cut back overgrown bank to the left of the ditch, and plant trees instead, and also thin trees to back right of the green to allow more light into that back wet corner.
On the way to 5th hole we have already cut back some of the rough behind the tee to aid on approach to 4th. We also intend filling in the ditch in front of the yellow tees to make this into fairway, if we can get a large enough pipe fitted. In front of the green it is the intention to lower this apron.
On the 6th hole we will be strimming in between the trees again to keep that level down. There's also a lot of unsightly rough patches to back right hand side that will be tidied up and maybe some shrubs planted.
The 7th hole will see some work done on levelling the tee and also the fence down the right hand side needs tidied up.
The 8th hole has where we have spent some time on completely rebuilding and raising the 8th tee, new drainage and a higher tee will hopefully stop this being so wet throughout the year. As you can see from the picture it is looking fantastic. We have also realigned the fairway as it was creeping in throughout last season, and cut back some of the rough to the front of the tee. We are looking at adding in some trees to the right hand side to screen the waste area of ground.
As you see there is a fair amount of work planned or already done so far this winter and there are still plenty more holes to list and what we intend doing on these. If the weather is kind we should get most of this done before we start the season but time will disappear very quickly.