Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Monday 5th December 2016
Last night we held our annual Craibstone ClubGolf Junior Christmas Party and Awards Presentation. The main prize of the evening - The Player of the Year Award, was won by Andrew Stewart. This award recognises the player who has shone in all of our categories including Attitude, Attendance, Consideration for others, Ettiquette, Enthusiasm, Effort, Improvement and Integrity in 2016. We are very happy to announce that Andrew Stewart won the Player of the Year- along with his certificate , he was awarded a 1 year Membership to Craibstone Golf Club( courtesy of Marshall- Lesiure) and an engraved Quaich. All of the juniors received a ClubGolf certificate recognising their on going commitment to improving and learning new skills- physical as well as mental- growth mindset is taught to develop GRIT! To enroll in our 2017 ClubGolf programme contact Lee Vannet -