Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Tuesday 14th August 2012
We are aware that the changes to the use of the driving range by players is different to previous years and we have to consider the use by the Pro giving lessons, we are looking as to the best way of the area being used to everyone's benefit so if anyone has any suggestions we would be happy to hear them.
The rules that are in place can be modified and we may look at the possibility to players being able to book times for practise especially around the putting green and bunker play area, but I would stress that if a player is already using the green and bunker area, they have priority over any player coming down to practise off the matts and will have to wait till it is safe to do so.
The matts are the only place to hit balls off. No player should walk down to the bottom of the range and hit balls up to the top unless given permission by the Pro. Also for everyone's information, we intend tostart building the new putting green in front of the Clubhouse this autumn as part of the on-going Craibstone Golf Course improvements.