Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Monday 7th October 2013
This event attracted 132 players and thanks go out to Sparrows for again sponsoring this event, many thanks to all who played and here are the results.
Scratch Trophy: G. Munro ( Fraserburgh) 69 (+1) 70.BIH
Cat 1 : (Hdcp Cup) M. Hay 71 (8) 63. BIH S. Gerrie 69 (6) 63.- P. Hird (Insch) 71 (6) 65. - B. Bruce ( NiggBay) 70 (4) 66.BIH
Cat 2: J. Stephen 79 (13) 66. - K. Burns 83 (15) 68. - G. Gray 85 (16) 69. BIH .- P. Youngson 87 (18) 69.
Cat 3: C. Sunley (Northern) 89 (21) 68. - W. Worgan 90 (20) 70. - D. Youngson 91 (20) 71. - D. Young 91 (19) 72.
Nearest the Pins: 2nd Hole G. Trail ( Kintore) , 6th Hole J. Borthwick ( Craibstone), 7th Hole G. Forbes ( Craibstone), 10th Hole A. Strath ( Caley).
Longest Drives: 4th Hole C. Brechin ( Porthlethen) , 17th Hole Over 55s B Howie (Craibstone).
Ronnie Macdonalds card draw for golf lesson TBA.
Thanks again to all who took part also be aware of our Halloween Open Texas Scramble on Sun 3rd Nov, entries are now being taken , you can book by phone or directly on line.