Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Sunday 10th June 2018
Club Championship Second Round
Congratulations to Andrew Ashley who shot a gross 64 today in the second round of the Club Championship. A fantastic display of fault free scoring. Well Done.
Juniors Stableford Competition
Today we had our first Juniors competition of the season, although our member numbers are low, we have to start somewhere and 3 of our members were keen enough to play in the opener. So well done to Andrew, Mika and Sandy. We will be running competitions on a weekly basis to get them into the habit of playing with a card in their hand and hopefully one or two others will join them.
Handicap Cup and Foursomes Competitions
A reminder that all second round matches are to be played on or by Monday 18th June so a number need to get their matches arranged.