Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Friday 3rd February 2012
An informal Golf Club meeting took place in the Clubhouse Lounge on the 30th Jan at 6.30pm, there was very good turn out of 92 + members from 2011/12 season present , also present at the meeting were Mr Charles Marshall (representing the owners) , Billy Sim (Golf Manager) , Derek Cruickshank (Financial Administrator ), Robert Hardie (Head Greenkeeper) and Stephen Murray (PGA Professional) a good and varied amount of topics were discussed during the evening and the meeting was a very positive one.
This was the first meeting of this kind to be held in the Clubhouse with the new owners and management team and a lot of frank and varied views were put across to the top table and we beleive that there is no question that Craibstone Golf Club is moving forward in a very positive manner, we would like to thank all who turned up for the meeting and for the continued suppoprt that is being received and we look forward to the 2012/13 season with you all.
Billy Sim
Golf Manager