Course Open Today Book Tee Times

Course Open Today Book Tee Times
Monday 8th October 2018
Hugh congratulations to the players that braved the elements yesterday for our Autumn Stableford Open. There was a two hour spell where the driving rain and strong winds meant that those on the course had a battle on their hands. It was also extremely cold. Thankfully the rain did stop in the early afternoon and this allowed some of the later starters to have it drier but certainly windier as that picked up considerably.
With the CSS hovering at 3 over par, the competition was deemed as a reduction only competition. Section one was won on 32 points, section two with 35 points and section three with 30 points. Vouchers for the winning players and also all the prize holes will be sent to your home club during this week.
We thank everyone for turning up, and giving it a go, we had minimal call offs which shows either how hardy or how foolish north east golfers are. We also thank you taking time afterwards to enjoy some hot food and drinks in the clubhouse. Hopefully we can see you again next season when we have different competions in warmer conditions.